Healthcare Legislation Update

President Obama has said that it is time for discussion to end. He said this in September, in October, in November, in December, in January, in February, and in March. Why did the discussion not end? Because the votes were not there to pass the legislation he wants to pass! The votes are not there today eigher, even with all the Republicans abstaining from the vote, there are STILL not enough votes to pass it. The bill now reportedly contains about 2900 pages of content. It is not only about healthcare, but also has many provisions for Education and other issues. WHY? Let’s work on the other issues as separate issues, not a part of this gigantic unknown entity that our government is trying to ram down our throats, saying pass it first and read it later! Let your representatives know you expect them to vote NO to this, and that if they vote “Yes”, you will vote them out as soon as possible! Thank you for reading.

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