(Taken from http://americansolutions.com.) Last week President Obama made his final push on his healthcare reform plan surrounded by seven doctors in white coats. It was pure theater, and pure propaganda.
The fact is that most doctors don’t support Obamacare. You might not know it because the American Medical Association, which represents fewer than 20% of all doctors, is the largest organized group of doctors and its national leadership decided to support Obamacare, even as their rank and file members have grown disillusioned with the President’s health reform plan.
So a new group of 3000-4000 doctors has emerged, Docs 4 Patient Care, and they are rushing to get the word out about how docs really feel about a government takeover of healthcare.
Their message is getting out in one of two ways. First, they are speaking to their patients, one at a time, and sharing with them their view that President Obama’s health plan will be a disaster for healthcare in this country. President Obama might be speaking from the Oval Office, but patients are hearing in the doctor’s office that the President’s approach is terribly flawed.
Who is the patient likely to believe, their own doctor or Obama’s doctors? That’s no contest.
The second way is also simple and direct. The doctor leaders of Docs 4 Patient Care are looking straight into a video camera from their offices, and offering their direct testimonials about why Obamacare will badly damage our system of American healthcare and hoping the power of YouTube can help carry their messages to patients around the country.
In the video above, Dr. Fred Shessel speaks for five minutes about what every senior, and every American should know about Obamacare.
President Obama may have the bully pulpit, but he does not have the credibility of Dr. Fred Shessel.
If enough Americans have the chance to watch these videos of the docs, there’s no chance Obamacare would ever pass.
And aside from watching and sharing the video above, here are 3 questions you may want to ask your doctor:
1. Nearly half a trillion dollars will be cut from Medicare if President Obama’s healthcare bill is passed. What would that mean for me?
2. If the government has a larger role in deciding who receives or doesn’t receive certain treatments, what will that mean for our relationship? Will you have more or less authority?
3. What would the Obama healthcare bill mean for Medicare Advantage?
I happen to agree with the opinions of our friends who posted the information above on their website. Please investigate carefully the costs and outcome of this disastrous piece of legislation and you will undoubtably come to the same conclusion as I and thousands of others have:
a- We cannot afford the costs of this legislation!
b- The funding of abortions by tax and other public monies is abhorrant and should be resisted by the public.
c- The practice of forcing americans to purchase health insurance (from the government, as they will be the only provider in a few years) or being fined a percentage of annual income is unconstitutional.
d- The closed-door arm-twisting and deal-making with legislators is not what was promised (“negotiations will be open to the public”) and special interests have far too much benefit from what we have heard, considering the small portion of the content of this bill that has been actually seen.
e- Nancy Pelosi says “pass the bill first, then see what it in it.” This attitude is ridiculous and should be clearly indicative of “foul-play”.
This bill MUST NOT BE PASSED into law! While it is true that insurance companies are raising their rates for coverage and there are many things wrong with our Health Care System, this gargantuan 2400-page bill IS WORSE and could cause financial issues for the entire country for generations to come. CALL YOUR CONGRESSMAN AND URGE HIM OR HER TO VOTE “NO”. Ask your friends and family to do likewise. The present administration is determined to inflict this bad piece of legislation upon us regardless of what the people think. MAKE SURE YOUR REPRESENTATIVES KNOW HOW YOU FEEL. It must be defeated.