Family Thanksgiving Celebration


Eli and Laurel play a duet, Leslie turns pages

We have had family Thanksgiving celebrations three times this past weekend.

Mom and Melodie Listen to the girls

It was great to visit with family and see how much the youngest generation has grown in the past year or more.
our girls kc

Kristen & Charlotte: piano fun!

Thursday we met with Mon’s side of the family at Uncle John’s home. It was very nice but I hadn’t had any sleep so I was not as social as I might have been.

Men singing together at Thanksgiving

Friday more of Mom’s family met at Ed and Jean’s ward building. The Parsons were there among others we didn’t see on Thursday. I missed this one so I could get some sleep. Saturday was our family’s dinner at the Granite Tabernacle. It was very fun to see everyone who came including Eric’s newest grandchildren who I saw for the first time. It was so nice to meet Rachel’s husband and other “new” members of the family. Melodie asked that we do a little singing together to record for a part of a family audio history, which we did after dinner. I felt bad that Mark and a few others had already left but the remaining men who chose to sing with us enjoyed harmonizing together. Five of us sang a few of the hymns we have sung at family reunions in the past as well as at funeral services or other get-togethers, and then we asked the rest of the younger men to join us and sing one last hymn together, as you can see in the last photo.

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