First snow in Utah County

Snow and fall leaves on Timpanogos

Snow and fall leaves on Timpanogos

On October 1st we had snow in the mountains of Utah, as far south as Utah and Carbon Counties. Here is a photo of Mt. Timpanogos (11,749 ft.) that I took today looking at the mountain from the west. You can see the fall leaves that remain after the rain and wind the past few days. The weather is unseasonably cool, with many northern Utah valleys reaching below the freezing mark overnight in the past two days. The low in our area is forecast to be 33 degrees tonight. It is already 37 degrees right now, with mostly clear skies. It is very nice to have it be cool but we have not really seen fall weather as high temps were in the 85-90 degree range less than a week ago. We hope that real fall weather will return for at least several weeks. It frequently snows before November but here’s hoping that the first winter weather waits at least until Halloween (Oct. 31) or later.

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