Daphne Helen Green makes her appearance

Mom and Daughter

Mom and Daughter

Cute little one!

Cute, alert little one!

Sleeping princess.

Sleeping princess.

We are pleased to announce the birth of Daphne Helen Green to Charlotte and Andrew this weekend. Her arrival was none to soon for Charlotte, by way of a c-section at Timpanogos Hospital. She was born at 5:48 a.m. on Saturday August 15, 2009. Her first vital stastistics include a weight of 8 lb. 2 oz., and length (or height) of of 19 inches. She has some thin, moderately dark hair on her head. We first saw her about an hour later, which is when these photos were taken. In the nursery she looked bigger than most of the other babies to us for some reason. We are thrilled to add her to our family which now includes 8 children, 6 spouses and 14 grandchildren. We now number 30 in all.

Progress is taking place at the house, Derek and I worked late into the night Saturday night to finish the bathroom floor. The job turned out to take us a lot longer than we had originally planned for (what is so unusual about that, you say) because the concrete backer board took quite a while to measure and get cut out. The progress is nice but aching backs and joints are the price we are paying today for this work. I am glad I don’t have to work tonight.

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