Working through a section of music. (Note blankets on the seats.)
The Choir and Orchestra just finished a series of recording sessions for a new CD featuring the men of the choir. The sessions stretched all week. We were at the Tabernacle for recordings every night from Tuesday night to Friday night, and all day Saturday (today). We return to the Tabernacle tomorrow morning for our weekly broadcast of Music and the Spoken Word. This will make six days in a row we have met at Temple Square to make music together. The Broadcast will feature two of the pieces we recorded for the new CD including “Discovery” or Landsighting, by Edvard Grieg with Baritone soloist Clayton Breynard. This is a piece that is very meaningful to me. The choir sang this piece the weekend I was in the Salt Lake City Missionary Home prior to leaving for Language Training for my missionary assignment. At that time all the missionaries went to the Choir Broadcast together. I remember hearing that piece (which I already knew) being sung at that time. My father was a member of the choir at that time as well, making it extra special for me. That was also the last time I heard Richard Evans as the commentator for the choir. He passed away about three weeks later. This recording will be unique because of the content and because of the varying styles it will contain. A few of the other pieces on the new recording include “The Morning Trumpet,” “Lullaby” by Billy Joel, “Hush Little Baby and “Non Nobis Domine” from Henry V. I look forward to its release! The Choir website has news about this new recording at the choir’s website,
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