Still in Hospital, home on Tuesday we hope!

We spent time at the hospital yesterday and saw another neighbor who is suffering from a stroke. Grandma didn’t come home on Monday and is still in the hospital because of complications caused by side-effects of the medications she has been given. They have been adjusting dosages and working to get them set so the side-effects are less undesirable. We spent time there yesterday evening but there have been so many visitors we decided not to go today so we would not be in the way of others who wanted to see her. (I did direct Aunt Ardy to call her late this afternoon though when she called us to see how Grandma was doing.) We were told this evening that Grandma was able to take a fairly long walk around the hospital wing with no light-headed after effect, take a “real” bath (shower?), and eat a good meal. Her blood pressure is much lower now, which is one of the things they were very worried about. Family members there indicate that if she has a good night they are quite certain she will be coming home tomorrow morning. We are very pleased to report this!
Ed and his family along with John’s kids, and Kent and his kids worked on the front porch today on Grandma’s house. It will be a little larger and nicer when they are done. I will post a photo for you to see their work later! Thank you everyone!

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