Archive for January, 2010

The New Year

Tuesday, January 19th, 2010

Derek gets ready to blow out the candles on his cake.

Opening gifts!

We have begun all over again with birthday gatherings for the year, and all of us are one year older! We celebrated Derek’s birthday on Monday and more are coming! I am still getting used to writing 2010 in my case logs at work. I don’t write many checks but those of you who do have probably already found yourselves writing 2009 once in a while. We were so happy to share our home with Tamara and David and their children from Christmas Eve to last week. They are now living in the home David grew up in, which is only about 5 blocks away. Their children go to the same school their parents attended and seem to be enjoying it well enough. It is hard to believe that our eldest grandchild will be eleven in a few months! The New Year always brings an opportunity for reflection on the past and for the promise and hope of a better tomorrow.
CD Cover

CD Cover

The Tabernacle Choir has just released a new CD that promises to be very successful. “Heavensong” is a collection of rather quiet, contemplative music that will be peaceful and will evoke restful thoughts as well as introspection in quiet moments of your day. You will enjoy its softer tones as a contrast to many of the famous large-scale and exuberant presentations for which the choir is so famous. Hearing 350 voices sing pianissimo is really a treat, and something that is not often experienced by way of recordings. For more detail on this new addition to the offerings of the choir please see the information at

The Family in Society

Saturday, January 9th, 2010

All the family a few years ago.

Our family members.

I think I would not receive much argument when making the statement that family is probably the most important component of society as a whole. I am very grateful for my wife and for our children, their spouses, and the grandchildren that have come into our lives. We are very proud of our family and the many good things they do. Certainly we are far from perfect but we try to do the best we know how in every circumstance. We have family members living away in another city, in another state, and in another country. We don’t have an opportunity to be all together at the same place at the same time very often any more. These were taken the last time we were all together at our family home all at the same time. We now have five more grandchildren and another son-in-law who are not in this photo, and two more grandchildren that will be born in 2010. We hope that we are all contributing members of society, being givers as well as takers of the blessings shared by our friends and neighbors.